Friday, September 5, 2014

A Silky Slop


I own my mother a serious debt of gratitude. Not only did she labor to bring me into this world but 28 years later she told me of burst tomato sauce. 

Simply pick up a pint of cherry tomatoes from the farmers market. When you get home set your pasta boiling pot on the stove with salted water. 

Put a large skillet/frying pan/medium saucepan on another burner with about 1/4 c of olive oil and set it to medium high. Wash off the tomatoes, pluck off any stems, and dump them into the oil. Wander off...

...then back in every so often to shake the tomatoes, later stir the thickening glop, and put in the pasta (about two servings worth) once their water is ready. When all of the tomatoes have burst (which is obviously a very enjoyable process. I felt applause was appropriate but I live alone.) turn the heat down and add some garlic and S&P to taste. Hopefully around the same time your pasta is done and you can pour the lightly drained pasta into the tomato pile and mix. Grab some wine, cheese to grate, and set yourself down to a truly lovely meal. 

I should note that in choosing which bowl to use to put your food in go with one you can easily lick clean. 

Because you'll be doing that.