Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Ladybugs, Katherine. Lots and lots of ladybugs."

So, my parents are flying to Rome tomorrow. How fantastic is that?! Its a Wedding Anniversary/Dad's Giving a Paper at a Conference Thing. So to celebrate I've made myself a delectable dinner, lit the candles, poured the wine and am watching Under the Tuscan Sun. Though to be fair this dinner, with the level of butter it calls for, is really more French than Italian...which makes me think of Julia Child...and her simply wonderful love with Paul...which makes me think of my parents...which makes my choice in dish just fine!

I spotted it on Smitten a few weeks ago, Garlic Butter Roasted Mushrooms. I know, right.
I like mushrooms almost as much as hobbits so it was a no brainer to add to my bookmark bar. I hadn't planned to make this dish, but I just happened to put a carton of mushrooms in my basket when grocery shopping yesterday and all the other ingredients are pantry staples. I love it when that happens! Now that I'm eating it, it's a little indulgent. That's what butter is...all three tablespoons of it. I can't honestly eat all of it in one sitting, I'm not that French! But as it happens I also bought some rolls at the grocery so looks like I'm eating mushroom garlic toasts tomorrow! Hurrah! And I know Caitlin will hate me for saying it, but they really will go great with steak!

I also happen to be on an accidental (??) food/love lore kick. It's sick really. A few months ago I went into one of my local bookshops and left with no books but a whole list of food book recommendations. One of them was Cooking for Mr Latte, and in a moment of curiosity I put in on hold from the library. I picked it up Thursday. And returned it Friday. It was just that horrible. But it wasn't the writing that was that terrible! I mean come on it was a romance I lowered my expectations a little bit but holy shit the author (autobiographer) is a total food bitch! Seriously! The whole book is about a guy she belittles on every single page because of his poor, no "incorrect" choices when it comes to eating. And yet they stay together. Why?? It's not why did she stay with a man who ordered a latte after dinner and sweetened it with Splenda (oh the inhumanity of it!!) as she tries to sell it as. No. It's why would a man stay with a woman who writes an ENTIRE BOOK about how she judges how he chooses to eat. I actually chucked the book across the room it made me so mad. Food is such a positive and vital thing to me I was actually upset to see it used as a nasty bitch weapon.

So instead I came back from the library on Friday with I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti and Eat, Memory. Im only a few chapters into the Spaghetti book but it's lovely, the recipes look tasty, and I haven't had the urge to chuck it across the room yet. I'm hoping Eat, Memory is like Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant, one of my favorite food essay books. Food is memory, food is love, food is tasty as hell.

Now if we're getting into movies I indulged in TWO today. No Reservations happened to be on the tv this morning, which sent me squeeing into a chair to curl up and watch with my breakfast and tea this morning. I have yet to see the film it was based off of, Mostly Martha, but I've put it on hold and will report back! Any of you seen it? Or either really...I wonder if Aaron Eckhart's character in Mostly Martha sings opera while he cooks. It's my favorite part...Aaron Eckhart, food, AND opera? Dear God.

And at this moment it's Under the Tuscan Sun. Someone gave it to my mom who then re-gifted it to me and with me it will stay. I haven't read the book, most likely will someday. Just like I read Eat, Pray, Love so will most likely see the movie someday. And I adore this movie. Its just absurd enough to not make all the sentimentality nauseating. AND they name the baby Alexandra which is such a good choice. Though its not really that much about food, just Italy and personal growth. It has a great line though, someone gives Francis a statue of San Laurenzo, the patron saint of chefs, and tells her "I think if you pray to him, you will find someone to cook for". I think that's just lovely. And get this! San Lorenzo, or St Lawrence, was martyred on a gridiron and allegedly said "I'm done on this side! Turn me over!". And they bring his burnt head out for show on his feast day at the Vatican. Fantastic!
I wonder if they make tamata for someone to cook for. I know they make stomach ones but I think that's for stomach disease which isn't quite the same thing...

As it is I have lots of people to cook for (I fed Miss Kate roast cauliflower and Carrot Parsnip soup last night, while she made gluten free chocolate chip cookies) and even more to chatter on to about what I feed myself and other people! Hello people! I have the feeling my cooking may take an Italian turn soon...and I'm now officially in love with the Spaghetti book, there's a recipe for "Fuck-You Cakes" and "Orthopedic Cod". I don't even know how to begin on that awesomeness. I'll just eat it instead.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I really liked the book Under the Tuscan Sun. It's much more about food, and even includes recipes. I have heard good things about Eat, Memory, and have it on my reading list. Let me know what you think of it!

(Also, I love your writing style, and I check my blogroll every day to see if you've posted. Keep writing, please!)
