Monday, July 4, 2011

"It's the 4th of July and I'm listening to the firecrackers explode" Lux Land

I'm adding yet another "pro" to the list of living over an empty lot: a clear view of fireworks! Which really are the best part of the 4th...

I decided to have a quiet day today, just me and my apartment. I had a leisurely morning, vacuumed and mopped my floor, took out the recycling and swung on some swings while I waited for the bus to go grocery shopping. Because even if it's just me there's going to be good food!

First off, a summer-y drink! Smashed strawberries in the Mexican grapefruit soda I've become addicted to. Buuubbbbleeesss!
(The strawberries could easily be soaked in vodka if anyone wants to make this drink even better, wink wink.)

And then there's "Crack Salsa". Mo found the recipe a few summers ago out of a weight watchers cookbook and it has been a summer staple ever since. And is notorious for being consumed, totally, in mere minutes. Perhaps even seconds as everyone is too busy feeding to time it...

It's a simple enough recipe:
Roast a bag of frozen corn (or fresh, several ears) until warm. Cut up four avocados, some red onion or scallions, cilantro, and the juice from two limes. Add the corn and shake on some cumin and S&P. Inhale.

After eating some with tortilla chips as an afternoon snack I added it to lettuce and chicken burgers as a salad for dinner.

I was enjoying my dinner anyways, but then I noticed bubbles floating by my window. How fun is that! I think I have an upstairs neighbor with a sense of humor.

Now I'm watching the end of a new Poirot, I had to put it on pause for the fireworks display, and it's time for bed! I hope you all had as lovely a Fourth as I did! Hugs to you all!

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