Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blighmey! It's Limey!

I've been sick as a dog the past few days and while I'm feeling a bit better I'm ridiculously tired. And while I didn't make it a whole day at work today, I'm glad I went in as my coworker Parisa gave me a great Persian homeopathic remedy to combat fatigue: Lime Syrup.

Just mix about 1/4 c lime juice with a few spoonfuls of sugar and some hot water until you have a taste that's not so tart it makes you cry, just tart enough it makes your face squidge up. It's a citrus-y slap to the face. I've got a little bottle all ready to go that will hopefully get me though a full work day tomorrow!


Elizabeth said...

I hope you feel better soon! Good idea on the lime syrup - I will be tucking that into my bag of tricks for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up when needed! (Paul thinks it's extremely weird that I like tart/ sour stuff, but I've been eating about a pound of tart cherries a week for the past 2 months... I think that's my craving these days.)

A.Sandin said...

Parisa is such a lovely person, she brought me a whole bag of limes on Thursday so I could keep making it!! (And you definitely need to use more sugar for fresh limes than the bottled lime juice I used before!) It's great stuff, its kicked in summer-time thoughts of cherry limeaid and other cool drinks!

As for Paul, just tell him you're taking to heart the fact that life is just a bowl of (tart) cherries. Even better, sing at him (

A.Sandin said...

Clicking that publish button I had a moment of "oh god what have i unleashed".
sorry paul.
please don't kill me!