Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

In my case the journey was to Skokie (f*ing Skokie) and my lover is an iPhone. That's right, the "European commune child" has got herself an iPhone.

May I introduce you to Flora, Miss Flora Poste my fancy new toy.

Isn't she lovely!! So chic and polite and full of the higher common sense! (And if you've never read or watched Cold Comfort Farm you just got none of that. And our friendship is over.).

She has already been my companion on several adventures:

We went grocery shopping together then ate a dinner of salad with chicken and cheese raviolis.  We grated lemon zest and pecorino romano over them. Divine.

We stuck together in a ridiculously vast fabric warehouse with Miss Lyndsey, where in the basement/catacombs I discovered the most horrifying clown head in a bin of lace collars. WHY.

And, being the fashionable ladies we are, of course we were present at the grand opening of the Target in the Carson, Pirie, Scott Building where we bought nothing but dined at the Pret a Manger with Miss Moshka before seeing a musical about the Eastland disaster. Flora cried. I did not.

With great power comes great responsibility (allegedly) so I'm curious to see how Miss Flora changes my life.  If it ends with me flying off in a bi-plane with Charles a la Cold Comfort Farm I'm totally down with it. Besides neither of us, or Jane Austen, can endure a mess so I'm assuming she'll enjoy tidying any of life's problems that come my way. And oooooh will they come. Are coming. Always coming?? Are here?? Poor Flora.

It's been a good few weeks since I was here last, full of friends and food and summer-times. Sometimes I feel like its wizzing by before I can get to the farmers markets and the lake, but it's only the start of August, I have time. I have enjoyed clicking around in a new pair of sandals and eating ice cream in the heat.

My dinner has often been a bowl of greens or some sort of avocado and corn salad to be scooped up with tortilla chips. Someone asked me if I was a vegetarian the other day because I eat so much avocado, I almost choked I laughed so hard.

I cleaned the land of filth that was my apartment after two busy weeks and a weekend at Pitchfork followed by a weekend working a wholesale show (where I made some lovely new friends in the Chicago Style Collective: Foxglove AccessoriesJuliet Jewelry, Megan Lee Designs, Squasht by Les, and Stylish Girl. They let me come chat with them and shared their wine! Clearly we're BFF).  I was so pleased to see my bathroom windowsill so tidy I took a picture. That's sad right?

This weekend I had the Lovely Lyndsey as a house guest. It was her birthday a few weeks ago and I spotted twin owl vases that were a perfect present for my big sister.

White for me...

...and black for her!

I also gave/forced some Wandering Jew on her as I'm on round three of cuttings from this enthusiastic vine! It is, however, reassuring that I don't kill every plant I get as my poor Cyclamen finally kicked it last week. The poor dear had been slowly declining for years and at the last was a single sad leaf which I accidently snapped off when I was closing the window. It was the first plant I got in Chicago, a Valentines Day present, almost four years ago! Oh well, at least that mint plant is still alive.

As it was cooler this weekend I dared turn my oven on to make these oaty scones for our breakfast on Sunday. Every time I visit her in Milwaukee Lyndsey makes a first class breakfast, usually waffles, so I was glad to be able to return the favor.

I'm not sure why I bother having a table when my guests always end up eating on the floor. At least I provided tuffets/pillows to sit on in an attempt to be dignified.

 I made these with blueberries (I had a bag I'd been using as a makeshift ice pack which I needed to get rid of as most of them were smashed to bits. Oops.) and while the first batch was fine the second was really really blue! Like Bridget Jones soup shade blue.

Very tasty though and I'm munching on one now while watching the Olympics. I think Flora is jealous. Until next time my sweets! Go eat an avocado!  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Song to Woody

In case it wasn't on your calendar as it was mine, today is Woody Guthrie's 100th Birthday! This year has already been christened the 'Year of Woody' by Dr Karl and myself who are living life in accordance to his New Years Rulin's. 

Source-Woody Guthrie Foundation
So many good plans! Just did #5 and I'm going to do #3 and #20 in a few moments. Wohoo!

Tragically I don't have the time/mental capacity at the moment to wax poetic on my love for Woody Guthrie (just know is ridiculous) as I worked Pitchfork music festival the past two days with the delightful Miss Natalie of Ornamental Things and need to lie on the floor for a while.  

I did manage to make the perfect festival food today though: Israeli couscous with slivered almonds, dried cranberries, and mint.

Makes several servings, doesn't need to be refrigerated, is nutritious, and won't get stuck in your teeth and frighten off customers.


Also vital: iced tea, mega juice, bug spray, sun block, spritzer with water and peppermint oil,  crappy but comfortable shoes, hand sanitizer, granola bars, ibuprofen, a brain, and a smile. Despite the heat, rain, and general chaos I have been having a great time working with Miss Natalie. We run a tight ship, have far too much fun for 'working',  and I could even hear The Cults from our booth today! And the little girl at the next booth thinks we're "sisters" too cute! I intend to make off with crazy amounts of jewelry tomorrow. I've pretty much been holding off buying any until she came back!

I also ate a lovely breakfast to start off the day, nectarines with Greek yogurt and tea. Also, if you work festivals or anything else where you have to stand for hours I highly recommend these restorative yoga poses. I did legs up the wall and child's pose for a long while last night and the basic sun salutation a few times this morning and it really did help my legs and back.

Mind blowing, I know. Why am I posting these??? Uuugh brain whyyy.

Ok to close here are some of my favorite Woody songs for your listening pleasure! What's yours??

Chorine My Sheba Queen
Remember the Mountain Bed
Song to Woody (by Bob Dylan to Woody)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Clean Laundry

Of course I didn't give a rats ass while studying it in middle school, but looking at it now the Declaration of Independence is kind of badass.  Not only saying King George was a git but declaring a national philosophy of rebellion? Dude. And so elegantly put too! Swoon.

Anyways, it's the Fourth so I'm off work today and celebrating my nation's independence by doing laundry, sitting in front of my air conditioner, and eating some Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream. I'm sure that's what Anthony Whitehurst had in mind when he joined the army to defeat the Red Coats. Right?

At least I can do this guilt free as my parents FINALLY have power after five days of sweltering in the dark! Last time I talked to Miss Linda she was drinking a beer on the porch with her feet in a plastic tub filled with water, which she intended to dunk her head into after hanging up. Dr Karl has been reading The Honourable Schoolboy by camping headlamp with either scotch or beer depending on how hot it was. But of course, he's been keeping up with his Cincinnati Reds. Not even a lack of electricity can keep that man from baseball and now that it's back on he's watching them play the Dodgers on his computer. I'd been waiting to post these photos of him playing little league for Father's Day but that clearly didn't happen so I'm doing it now! That's my Grandaddy Sandin in the white T-shirt watching little 'Kasey' up to bat. After all, what's as American as baseball??

I can see fireworks out my window! Happy Independence Day America!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." Dickens

The month of June has proved to be rather Dickensian a la Tale of Two Cities with one day bringing good things and the next bad. A lot of them didn't even happen to me but were a part of my life nevertheless. I've been sitting in my comfy chair eating proschiutto with melon, the salty pork wrapped around slices that if left uneaten another day would have been spoilt.  I know it isn't but it feels like this is the first moment I've had to myself in three weeks! I'm not sure if it was something in the air or what but this month many of my friends have been going through really big changes in their lives.  Mostly good things, but others not so good at all, and some literally life and death. I feel a little whelmed by it all honestly and am glad for a day to just slow down and take time to do important things like eat melon and proschiutto.

One of the good things that has happened is that mint plant peeking around my curtain.  It's a present from three weeks ago when one of my oldest friends/one of my newest friends came to visit for the weekend.

My newest friend is in there, they're only 5 inches long right now but I'm so excited to meet them properly in the fall when they pop out much bigger.

Their Mommy is one of my oldest friends, the darling Lizbeth, and we spent a simply divine few days together.  Relishing each other's company and the simple things that bring us both so much pleasure. We ate prosciutto and melon outside on a patio in Lincoln Square (Is that why I grabbed those things when I went grocery shopping a week later? I think my subconscious was hoping if I ate those maybe she'd appear!). We wandered around my grocery store picking foods we would make together. We ate Vietnamese sandwiches and were sustained on a long hot walk home by cold fruit smoothies.

We waltzed around my wee kitchen cooking pasta with tomato sauce topped with fresh basil, and green beans, and summer squash, and fancy fizzy drinks which we ate on the floor watching Sherlock.

I took her to the European bakery I've recently fallen wildly in love with were we peered at tasties and made very hard choices about what to eat! I selected a lemon curd tart which I'm pretending was monogramed just for me.

Lizbeth had to eat for two and chose a delicious lemon cake which I'm sure the belly bean enjoyed. We watched more Sherlock.

She brought farm fresh produce from Ohio and we ate deliciously nutritious breakfasts like fried eggs with cheese, tomatoes, cucumber and cream cheese on homemade sourdough bread. Watched even more Sherlock.

After cooing at tiny people things in stores we came home and ate cold pasta salad made from leftovers  with cucumber salad and guanabana juice. Finished Sherlock. I wish so much we lived closer to each other, but I cherish every moment I have with her, and I can't wait for this exciting new chapter in her life to start!

I had dinner at Miss Eire's last week where a whole crowd of folks feasted on food made by Miss Connie's lady friend. She made green beans and bacon that had been cooked in maple syrup. I almost died it was so good. And to top it off Miss Eire surprised me with an afghan she'd crochet just for me! She's such a sneaky bugger she'd been making it for months, had shown it to friends while I was in the house, and I  had no clue whatsoever.

 I'm still floored, not only that someone did that for me but look at the colors! They're spot on! I think I even used that exact same green yarn to make a scarf ages ago. No lie. I'll dig it out some day and take pictures to prove it.

It made a lovely background for this photo of a chocolate and raspberry tart I got at that same Euro bakery on a walk with Miss H and Miss J (who both just got kick ass new jobs!!). We had an emergency summit Girls Weekend which naturally involved wine, desserts (see above for me and gelato for them), talking about our feelings, painting nails, and chick flicks.

Actually we ended up watching Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which can't technically be classified as a chick flick...actually none of the movies in this photo are chick flicks. But you get the idea. We did go shoe shopping...

Last Sunday night I was fed a scrumptious meal by Miss Cait, she always manages to cook meals that are completely different from the style of food I make. I love how there are so many ways to be a cook! I also learned how to say pretzel bread in German. But promptly forgot it as I am wont to do with German words. They just don't stay in my brain! Except for scheisser. Or fraulein. Or "Ich bin ein berliner" which is a very useful thing to know how to say in case you ever feel like a jelly doughnut.

Photo by Kate Duffus
Then this week I had visitors in the form of Miss Kate and her man David! They were only here for one night but as I hadn't seen her since Lizbeth got married ages ago it was fantastic. So much to catch up on! We did manage to squeeze in a trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory, which I'd never been to, and will certainly be going back to. The fern room was something out of Jurassic Park. Or a Midsummer Night's Dream. Kate and I both agreed that fairies lived there. And possibly velociraptors. It was a great visit, especially so soon after seeing Lizbeth. The two of them were thick as thieves in high school and then I came along and we became a trio. We had such fun times together and now we're all grown up! Lizbeth is married with a bairn on the way and Kate is heading in the marriage direction herself!

There was a slightly horrifying/hilarious moment hours after they'd left for the airport when after having drinks with my buddy I realized Kate had my keys! And my keys were at that moment flying in the air on their way to Virginia!!  I kept a remarkably cool head for the amount of cider I'd been drinking on an empty stomach and after laughing at myself calmly called my building manager who came to let me in. I barely had to wait five minutes for him and he had several extra keys so it wasn't anywhere near the crisis it could have been! Still, have learned my lesson and will be making duplicates. O the perils of living alone!

I did take it as a sign, however, to lay low for a day and so here I am, finishing a post and snacking on chocolate pudding. I hadn't planned to eat that today but I was watching Nora Ephron movies and in Julie & Julia there is a mention of chocolate creme pie. And suddenly I remembered I had a box of instant pudding in my cupboard. And a lot of milk. Next thing you know I'm eating chocolate pudding out of a bowl watching Julie kill lobsters. Clearly I'm the type of person who is susceptible to the power of suggestion. Though, the reason I have a lot of milk in my fridge is because Miss Linda told me if I don't start drinking more milk my bones are going to crack into bits and I'll turn into the Glass Man from Amelie. Ok, she didn't actually say that but I believe it was implied. And pudding contains two cups of milk so really eating this pudding is just good for my health.

Also, pudding makes me think back to when I went to Philly as my Aunties bought a pack of Kozy Shack specifically for me to eat! Somehow the discussion we had while eating the pudding led to what foods we don't like and I shared that the film of oil on the top of natural peanut butter freaks the shit out of me.  Of course that was the only kind my good mother bought when I was a kid and I lived in constant dread of being the person who had to open a fresh jar. It's literally impossible to stir in the oil without it leaking down the sides of the jar getting all over your hand or your finger coming into contact with it on the knife. So one of the few acts of rebellion I have performed against my parents is buying Skippy. My Aunties thought this was hilarious of course and encouraged me to try natural peanut butter again, alleging that things had come a long way since I was ten.

Of course I told them that was bullshit and I'd rather die.

But when I ran out of Extra Crunchy Skippy after making too many Lazy Girl Peanut Noodles last week I found myself looking at all the options in the peanut butter isle. And guess what, even Skippy makes natural peanut butter these days. And it says you don't have to stir right on the jar label. And when I fearfully peeled back the safety seal (keeping the jar perfectly level, poised for sloshing oil) there was no skim of sickening stuff on the top. Might of clapped my hands with glee. Now I don't have to go to Foodie Hell for not eating natural peanut butter and my children can have childhoods free from the fear of oil films. Now if only the milk industry can figure out a way to fill the jugs with no spillage that dries into horrid white flakes that get on your hand when you open the lid...

Well, those were mostly the good things that have happened to me and my friends in the last month.  There were many bad and sad things too but as they aren't mine to talk about I won't. I've just been thinking a lot of Happy Thoughts for my friends and baking a lot of brownies. But It's a new month tomorrow, perhaps a fresh start for everyone and even if it isn't what else are friends for?