Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Clean Laundry

Of course I didn't give a rats ass while studying it in middle school, but looking at it now the Declaration of Independence is kind of badass.  Not only saying King George was a git but declaring a national philosophy of rebellion? Dude. And so elegantly put too! Swoon.

Anyways, it's the Fourth so I'm off work today and celebrating my nation's independence by doing laundry, sitting in front of my air conditioner, and eating some Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream. I'm sure that's what Anthony Whitehurst had in mind when he joined the army to defeat the Red Coats. Right?

At least I can do this guilt free as my parents FINALLY have power after five days of sweltering in the dark! Last time I talked to Miss Linda she was drinking a beer on the porch with her feet in a plastic tub filled with water, which she intended to dunk her head into after hanging up. Dr Karl has been reading The Honourable Schoolboy by camping headlamp with either scotch or beer depending on how hot it was. But of course, he's been keeping up with his Cincinnati Reds. Not even a lack of electricity can keep that man from baseball and now that it's back on he's watching them play the Dodgers on his computer. I'd been waiting to post these photos of him playing little league for Father's Day but that clearly didn't happen so I'm doing it now! That's my Grandaddy Sandin in the white T-shirt watching little 'Kasey' up to bat. After all, what's as American as baseball??

I can see fireworks out my window! Happy Independence Day America!

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