Friday, September 7, 2012

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things" Lewis Carroll

But mostly about how I quit my job last week.

As most of you know, it was a long time coming, as great as my "rockstar" job could be, I hadn't been happy there for a long long time. So I filed "irreconcilable differences" and last Friday was my final day. It was the right thing to do and I haven't had a single regret about it.

But now there's the question: what next??

I don't have an answer yet, which is both scary and liberating, it feels like one of those trust building exercises people do, the one where you fall backwards into the hands of others (or the floor. hah.).  And it's been really touching to see how many hands are there to catch me, this is probably one of the most irresponsible things I've ever done in my life and everyone is encouraging me! It's kind of hilarious. And so typically me somehow, I'm such a hesitant and timid person but when I make up my mind to do something big and scary I go at it full throttle in a complete "fuck this shit" sort of way.

I had planned to take this week easy and my body decided to help by saddling me with a sinus infection. Thank you?? I have to say being sick when you can just be sick and not worry about going to work is kind of awesome. I started Dr. Karl's snot regiment right away, take that snot!! Oh, wait, snot 's not a nice word to say. Phlem then. Take that phlem!!

I've been shooting more stuff up my nose than Kate Moss in a bathroom.  It's mostly the death rattle hacking stage now and I've lowered the number of cups of tea I drink a day from a million to ten.  The Eastern European plumber who was in my apartment the other day recommended I knock back a glass of whiskey and honey and just sweat it out. I'll keep that in mind next time I have the flu, thanks.

Oh, why was there an Eastern European in my apartment? Apparently the chick who lives next door dropped a plastic cap down her tub drain and it became lodged in a pipe located IN THE WALL between our bathrooms.  So not only did my shower back up for two days but the plumber had to move my radiator and knock a hole in the wall to get to the pipe.

Behold, the chaos.

Sweeeeet. It's a bit tidier now, the pipe is unblocked but there is still a hole in the wall behind my radiator.  Some men will come to fix it...someday.

So other than hacking up phlem and washing my hair with a pitcher like its the 1800s what have I been up to in my first week of being unemployed?

Ooooo boy have I been having fun!
I reorganized my closet.
I did my laundry.
I reorganized my kitchen cabinets and bakers rack (to better display my new creamer and sugar bowl).

I covered the top of my big cabinet with shelf liner paper because the paint is starting to chip off and I'm scared of getting lead poisoning.

I baked some bread. It was atrocious. It tasted like flour...baked. Not yum. Had to throw it all out.
I washed my garbage cans.

I made Smitten's Leek, Chard, and Corn Flatbread.  I highly recommend it, though I did swap out the leek for red onion and instead of making my own dough I used strange corrugated sesame bread from the Middle Eastern grocery store.

It reminded me of how awesome fresh corn is (note to self: eat more before it's gone).

And today I'm watching Slings and Arrows and baking bread again, it should be fine this time as I used the recipe a few weeks ago to great success. It's "English muffin bread" and is rather hole-y and english muffin-y tasting and makes spectacular toast. I halve the recipe and stick one loaf in the freezer to no ill affect. Though I didn't brush with butter as I did last time.

Anyways, I'm having a grand old time and although I'm not fully employed anywhere yet things keep popping up to help me along so I won't go broke and get evicted and end my days like the little match girl. Or chopping my hair off like the chick in Les Miserables.

Yaaaaay for temp agencies and odd jobs!

And friends!

Especially my good ones Ben and Jerry  up in Vermont who have been so helpful at easing my fears with their comforting ways. And my Aunties who set me up with their fantastic friend Biba to make some money and tell me it's okay to jump into the abyss. And Miss Natalie for sending someone my way who needed help for Renegade. And all my darling friends who have been keeping their ears open for me and listening to my thoughts and hugging and feeding me and sending me their love whether they are near or far. And especially the P-Units who encourage their children to stand up and fight for themselves and quit their job during a recession. I know I wouldn't be me if I didn't have parents like you, but being me is so much lovelier and better with you two as my parents so thank you for that.

It's a big leap of faith but I'm hoping it's like jumping down the rabbit hole and I end up having a great adventure.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

And then there was a cheese castle.

So this one time, it was August and I did stuff.

One of my favorite summer activities back when I was in high-school was to drive to Columbus with Miss Lizbeth and/or Miss Kate and see Shakespeare in the park. So I was already gleeful when I heard that Chicago was now going to have (free!!) Shakespeare in the park but then it doubled when I realized the actor playing the male lead was someone I worked with in Colorado! Miss Moshka and I had to go. And it was amazing.

The play was great, it was so fun to see Mr. Matt again, who doesn't love pick-nicking on grass, but mostly because I now have Willy Shakes's  head on a stick. YES.

The summer-y theme of August continued with an all American meal at Miss Eire's house of pulled pork sandwiches, slaw, corn on the cob, strawberry pie a la mode and brews. Ate so much it hurt to move. I'm also completely enamored of Miss Eire's new dog, Cider, she has one blue eye and one brown eye and a bandana. Swoooooon!

I chopped the slaw cabbages and carrots while watching the highlight of the Olympics: The Spice Girls reunion. Sure, Michael Phelps may now be the most decorated athlete of all time, whatever SPICE GIRL REUNION. Aaaaand they're driving around on black cabs. I died. Died and gone to middle-school girl heaven. Girl power!!

Anyways, after I recovered from my Spice-y swoon I had Miss Eire over to my house for dinner, which was lovely. The two of us are concocting fantastic schemes of crafty-ness for the future, I'm going to help her with some basic pattern making and she's going to teach me how to crochet. Can you say Craft Night?!?!

I also got new glasses (yes, I wear glasses sometimes) which are fantastically girl reporter-y and I love it.

Spent a lovely day with Miss Ashley where we saw the new Bourne movie and held each other as they blew up the most beautiful house in the world "Not the staircase!! NOT THE STAIRCASE!!! Noooooooo". I'll never forgive them for that. Never.

We ate some buttermilk chicken then took a walk around my neighborhood.

I scored a potato press and the cutest plate in the world for $2 at a yard sale. Innocent enough, but it jump started my neglected hunter-gatherer needs which could only be satiated by a trip to Milwaukee for flea market/antique mall/shop-ing.

The original plan was for Miss Ashley and I to go it alone at the 7-Mile Fair, but as that turned out to be a creepy "buy 5 cases of socks out of the back of a truck" (literally.) sort of fair we decided to kidnap Miss Lyndsey to be our guide in our quest for old treasures. I'm very lucky to have friends who don't mind being kidnapped at a moments notice.

And o boy did Miss Lyndsey know where to go! Three floor antique mall. Three. Floors. Full of things that were blue and white, teal, and folk-y. I made off with  Berggren-Trayer's Swedish Flower "Var Så God" creamer and sugar bowl to match my "coffee" mug.  I may have a problem.

We were all starving and exhausted by the time we made our way through the epic mall so found sustenance in giant burgers. Hilariously we all have blogs but hate to have our photos taken so here's us:

Miss Lyndsey

Miss Ashely

and Me! The food was delicious, there were deep fried pickles and sweet potato fries and that ginger beer was superb. There was some more antiquing and I picked up a cute garlic press to save face as I suck so badly at chopping garlic I often avoid using it! SHAME.

And to top it all off Miss Lyndsey then took us to an Italian Grocery store. Raptures people, raptures. Sauce. Wine. Gnocchi. Pizzelles. Amaretti. Pasta. Prosciutto. Tiramisu. San Pellegrino pompelmo. And most of all Gelato! We ate ours outside and fed a wasp. He has very cultured taste.

 We sadly took leave of Miss Lyndsey, piled our loot into the car, and headed back to the City.

We made two pit stops: The Apple Holler and...

...the Mars' CHEESE CASTLE.

It's all true.  Wisconsin is a magical place indeed.

Well that was my August in a nutshell. But it's September now and I have plenty of things to tell you about next time! Oh man it's good to be back!