Sunday, February 3, 2013

Notes to Myself

-Always try to time your colds to peak on the weekend so you have an excuse to lie in bed and watch the snow.

-Next time get more than three bulbs. Only one out of three and no blooms yet!! WTF paper-whites. WTF.

-Two old quilt squares + a battered angora hat for the inside= a quick, resourceful, and well insulated tea cozy.

You crafty fiend.

-Eat more citrus. Scurvy is no longer fashionable. Plus you have a recipe for baked grapefruit burning a hole in your recipe folder so get off your ass.

-Don't put a wooden spoon anywhere near your blender again. There are other ways to get more fiber in your diet and you're lucky you didn't get a splinter. Damn tasty hummus though!

-Re-visit that Eastern European deli around the corner, that smoked sausage was off the chain. But maybe learn some Czech so you can read the labels and point less. And start reading Le Carre again, gnawing on some rostiljska kobasica while thumbing through Little Drummer Girl will be deliciously dorky.

-Buy another can of black beans. Maybe check out that little Mexican grocery store down the block, get duplicates of your keys made while you're at it.

-Next time remember that these cookies need barely ten minutes to cook in your furnace of an oven. Get more milk for dunking the rock hard first batch...

-Remember not to turn the oven on when you're letting no-knead bread dough rise inside. There are very few things as sad looking as a ball of half-risen half-baked bread dough. Maybe a wet fluffy cat. Or a lone sock on the floor of the laundry room.


caitlin said...

hope you feel better! sorry i ditched on your sick day, lisa's had drama this weekend. and it was so cold out! i have bulbs if you need more, no paperwhites though. mexican grocery stores are great, and you need to have more than one copy of your keys! have you seen my fluffy cat after buttwashing? because she totally looks like a half baked lump of bread dough.

A.Sandin said...

Hey stranger! No worries, I'm helping Chaarles with V-Day so I'll see you soon anyways. And I once locked myself in your bathroom with your fluffy cat to pin her down long enough to get her clean. It was like being in the Octagon. She's one pissed off lump of of half baked bread! And I'm glad Lisa got her phone back!