Thursday, August 23, 2012

I can't talk to you right now, I'm eating pie and watching 'Enchanted'.

Ok that's not entirely true.

That was last weekend.

I'm actually doing very time consuming/emotional mine field type grown-up shit right now.

Obviously I'd rather be eating pie and watching a crazy princess make a dress out of curtains with the help of urban creatures. Duh.

But all such frivolous activities have been put on hold until further notice and that includes you Mumbles! Things had better be will be back to normal sometime in September but until then I need to be scarce and put all my effort into other areas of my life. Totally lame, but that's adulthood for ya!

I did have to share this little gem though, made me snort. Beware!

And they were.

Back to the grindstone, see you in September?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Good luck with the time-consuming, grown-up things. Don't forget to take time to make delicious food and eat it even if you don't have time to document it. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks to hear all about everything. Love you!